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0 / 0 / 0
Регистрация: 23.05.2013
Сообщений: 4

алгоритм программы с криптоалгоритмом AES на VHDL

03.06.2013, 14:17. Показов 687. Ответов 0
Метки нет (Все метки)

Author24 — интернет-сервис помощи студентам
Здравствуйте, помогите нарисовать алгоритм программы по коду...тоисть есть USB-токен с криптоалгоритмом AES.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
package rijndael_package is
subtype SLV_8 is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
subtype STATE_TYPE is std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
subtype SLV_128 is std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
subtype SLV_32 is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
subtype round_type is integer range 0 to 16;
function SBOX_LOOKUP (a: SLV_8) return SLV_8;
function INV_SBOX_LOOKUP (a: SLV_8) return SLV_8;
function BYTE_SUB_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return STATE_TYPE;
function INV_BYTE_SUB_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
function SHIFT_ROW_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return STATE_TYPE;
function INV_SHIFT_ROW_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
function MIX_COLUMN_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
function POLY_MULTE_FUNCT (a: SLV_8; b: SLV_8) return SLV_8;
function POLY_MULTD_FUNCT (a: SLV_8; b: SLV_8) return SLV_8;
function INV_MIX_COLUMN_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
function ADD_ROUNDKEY_FUNCT (roundkey, state: STATE_TYPE) return
function ROUNDKEY_GEN (roundkey: STATE_TYPE; round: round_type)
return STATE_TYPE;
end package rijndael_package; 57
Appendix D (continued)
package body rijndael_package is
function SBOX_LOOKUP (a: SLV_8) return SLV_8 is
variable temp: SLV_8;
case a is
when x"00" => temp := x"63";
when x"01" => temp := x"7c";
when x"02" => temp := x"77";
when x"03" => temp := x"7b";
when x"04" => temp := x"f2";
when x"05" => temp := x"6b";
when x"06" => temp := x"6f";
when x"07" => temp := x"c5";
when x"08" => temp := x"30";
when x"09" => temp := x"01";
when x"0a" => temp := x"67";
when x"0b" => temp := x"2b";
when x"0c" => temp := x"fe";
when x"0d" => temp := x"d7";
when x"0e" => temp := x"ab";
when x"0f" => temp := x"76";
when x"10" => temp := x"ca";
when x"11" => temp := x"82";
when x"12" => temp := x"c9";
when x"13" => temp := x"7d";
when x"14" => temp := x"fa";
when x"15" => temp := x"59";
when x"16" => temp := x"47";
when x"17" => temp := x"f0";
when x"18" => temp := x"ad";
when x"19" => temp := x"d4";
when x"1a" => temp := x"a2";
when x"1b" => temp := x"af";
when x"1c" => temp := x"9c";
when x"1d" => temp := x"a4";
when x"1e" => temp := x"72";
when x"1f" => temp := x"c0"; 58
Appendix D (continued)
when x"20" => temp := x"b7";
when x"21" => temp := x"fd";
when x"22" => temp := x"93";
when x"23" => temp := x"26";
when x"24" => temp := x"36";
when x"25" => temp := x"3f";
when x"26" => temp := x"f7";
when x"27" => temp := x"cc";
when x"28" => temp := x"34";
when x"29" => temp := x"a5";
when x"2a" => temp := x"e5";
when x"2b" => temp := x"f1";
when x"2c" => temp := x"71";
when x"2d" => temp := x"d8";
when x"2e" => temp := x"31";
when x"2f" => temp := x"15";
when x"30" => temp := x"04";
when x"31" => temp := x"c7";
when x"32" => temp := x"23";
when x"33" => temp := x"c3";
when x"34" => temp := x"18";
when x"35" => temp := x"96";
when x"36" => temp := x"05";
when x"37" => temp := x"9a";
when x"38" => temp := x"07";
when x"39" => temp := x"12";
when x"3a" => temp := x"80";
when x"3b" => temp := x"e2";
when x"3c" => temp := x"eb";
when x"3d" => temp := x"27";
when x"3e" => temp := x"b2";
when x"3f" => temp := x"75"; 59
Appendix D (continued)
when x"40" => temp := x"09";
when x"41" => temp := x"83";
when x"42" => temp := x"2c";
when x"43" => temp := x"1a";
when x"44" => temp := x"1b";
when x"45" => temp := x"6e";
when x"46" => temp := x"5a";
when x"47" => temp := x"a0";
when x"48" => temp := x"52";
when x"49" => temp := x"3b";
when x"4a" => temp := x"d6";
when x"4b" => temp := x"b3";
when x"4c" => temp := x"29";
when x"4d" => temp := x"e3";
when x"4e" => temp := x"2f";
when x"4f" => temp := x"84";
when x"50" => temp := x"53";
when x"51" => temp := x"d1";
when x"52" => temp := x"00";
when x"53" => temp := x"ed";
when x"54" => temp := x"20";
when x"55" => temp := x"fc";
when x"56" => temp := x"b1";
when x"57" => temp := x"5b";
when x"58" => temp := x"6a";
when x"59" => temp := x"cb";
when x"5a" => temp := x"be";
when x"5b" => temp := x"39";
when x"5c" => temp := x"4a";
when x"5d" => temp := x"4c";
when x"5e" => temp := x"58";
when x"5f" => temp := x"cf"; 60
Appendix D (continued)
when x"60" => temp := x"d0";
when x"61" => temp := x"ef";
when x"62" => temp := x"aa";
when x"63" => temp := x"fb";
when x"64" => temp := x"43";
when x"65" => temp := x"4d";
when x"66" => temp := x"33";
when x"67" => temp := x"85";
when x"68" => temp := x"45";
when x"69" => temp := x"f9";
when x"6a" => temp := x"02";
when x"6b" => temp := x"7f";
when x"6c" => temp := x"50";
when x"6d" => temp := x"3c";
when x"6e" => temp := x"9f";
when x"6f" => temp := x"a8";
when x"70" => temp := x"51";
when x"71" => temp := x"a3";
when x"72" => temp := x"40";
when x"73" => temp := x"8f";
when x"74" => temp := x"92";
when x"75" => temp := x"9d";
when x"76" => temp := x"38";
when x"77" => temp := x"f5";
when x"78" => temp := x"bc";
when x"79" => temp := x"b6";
when x"7a" => temp := x"da";
when x"7b" => temp := x"21";
when x"7c" => temp := x"10";
when x"7d" => temp := x"ff";
when x"7e" => temp := x"f3";
when x"7f" => temp := x"d2"; 61
Appendix D (continued)
when x"80" => temp := x"cd";
when x"81" => temp := x"0c";
when x"82" => temp := x"13";
when x"83" => temp := x"ec";
when x"84" => temp := x"5f";
when x"85" => temp := x"97";
when x"86" => temp := x"44";
when x"87" => temp := x"17";
when x"88" => temp := x"c4";
when x"89" => temp := x"a7";
when x"8a" => temp := x"7e";
when x"8b" => temp := x"3d";
when x"8c" => temp := x"64";
when x"8d" => temp := x"5d";
when x"8e" => temp := x"19";
when x"8f" => temp := x"73";
when x"90" => temp := x"60";
when x"91" => temp := x"81";
when x"92" => temp := x"4f";
when x"93" => temp := x"dc";
when x"94" => temp := x"22";
when x"95" => temp := x"2a";
when x"96" => temp := x"90";
when x"97" => temp := x"88";
when x"98" => temp := x"46";
when x"99" => temp := x"ee";
when x"9a" => temp := x"b8";
when x"9b" => temp := x"14";
when x"9c" => temp := x"de";
when x"9d" => temp := x"5e";
when x"9e" => temp := x"0b";
when x"9f" => temp := x"db"; 62
Appendix D (continued)
when x"a0" => temp := x"e0";
when x"a1" => temp := x"32";
when x"a2" => temp := x"3a";
when x"a3" => temp := x"0a";
when x"a4" => temp := x"49";
when x"a5" => temp := x"06";
when x"a6" => temp := x"24";
when x"a7" => temp := x"5c";
when x"a8" => temp := x"c2";
when x"a9" => temp := x"d3";
when x"aa" => temp := x"ac";
when x"ab" => temp := x"62";
when x"ac" => temp := x"91";
when x"ad" => temp := x"95";
when x"ae" => temp := x"e4";
when x"af" => temp := x"79";
when x"b0" => temp := x"e7";
when x"b1" => temp := x"c8";
when x"b2" => temp := x"37";
when x"b3" => temp := x"6d";
when x"b4" => temp := x"8d";
when x"b5" => temp := x"d5";
when x"b6" => temp := x"4e";
when x"b7" => temp := x"a9";
when x"b8" => temp := x"6c";
when x"b9" => temp := x"56";
when x"ba" => temp := x"f4";
when x"bb" => temp := x"ea";
when x"bc" => temp := x"65";
when x"bd" => temp := x"7a";
when x"be" => temp := x"ae";
when x"bf" => temp := x"08"; 63
Appendix D (continued)
when x"c0" => temp := x"ba";
when x"c1" => temp := x"78";
when x"c2" => temp := x"25";
when x"c3" => temp := x"2e";
when x"c4" => temp := x"1c";
when x"c5" => temp := x"a6";
when x"c6" => temp := x"b4";
when x"c7" => temp := x"c6";
when x"c8" => temp := x"e8";
when x"c9" => temp := x"dd";
when x"ca" => temp := x"74";
when x"cb" => temp := x"1f";
when x"cc" => temp := x"4b";
when x"cd" => temp := x"bd";
when x"ce" => temp := x"8b";
when x"cf" => temp := x"8a";
when x"d0" => temp := x"70";
when x"d1" => temp := x"3e";
when x"d2" => temp := x"b5";
when x"d3" => temp := x"66";
when x"d4" => temp := x"48";
when x"d5" => temp := x"03";
when x"d6" => temp := x"f6";
when x"d7" => temp := x"0e";
when x"d8" => temp := x"61";
when x"d9" => temp := x"35";
when x"da" => temp := x"57";
when x"db" => temp := x"b9";
when x"dc" => temp := x"86";
when x"dd" => temp := x"c1";
when x"de" => temp := x"1d";
when x"df" => temp := x"9e"; 64
Appendix D (continued)
when x"e0" => temp := x"e1";
when x"e1" => temp := x"f8";
when x"e2" => temp := x"98";
when x"e3" => temp := x"11";
when x"e4" => temp := x"69";
when x"e5" => temp := x"d9";
when x"e6" => temp := x"8e";
when x"e7" => temp := x"94";
when x"e8" => temp := x"9b";
when x"e9" => temp := x"1e";
when x"ea" => temp := x"87";
when x"eb" => temp := x"e9";
when x"ec" => temp := x"ce";
when x"ed" => temp := x"55";
when x"ee" => temp := x"28";
when x"ef" => temp := x"df";
when x"f0" => temp := x"8c";
when x"f1" => temp := x"a1";
when x"f2" => temp := x"89";
when x"f3" => temp := x"0d";
when x"f4" => temp := x"bf";
when x"f5" => temp := x"e6";
when x"f6" => temp := x"42";
when x"f7" => temp := x"68";
when x"f8" => temp := x"41";
when x"f9" => temp := x"99";
when x"fa" => temp := x"2d";
when x"fb" => temp := x"0f";
when x"fc" => temp := x"b0";
when x"fd" => temp := x"54";
when x"fe" => temp := x"bb";
when x"ff" => temp := x"16";
when others => null;
end case;
return temp;
end function SBOX_LOOKUP; 65
Appendix D (continued)
function INV_SBOX_LOOKUP (a: SLV_8) return SLV_8 is
variable temp: SLV_8;
case a is
when x"00" => temp := x"52";
when x"01" => temp := x"09";
when x"02" => temp := x"6a";
when x"03" => temp := x"d5";
when x"04" => temp := x"30";
when x"05" => temp := x"36";
when x"06" => temp := x"a5";
when x"07" => temp := x"38";
when x"08" => temp := x"bf";
when x"09" => temp := x"40";
when x"0a" => temp := x"a3";
when x"0b" => temp := x"9e";
when x"0c" => temp := x"81";
when x"0d" => temp := x"f3";
when x"0e" => temp := x"d7";
when x"0f" => temp := x"fb";
when x"10" => temp := x"7c";
when x"11" => temp := x"e3";
when x"12" => temp := x"39";
when x"13" => temp := x"82";
when x"14" => temp := x"9b";
when x"15" => temp := x"2f";
when x"16" => temp := x"ff";
when x"17" => temp := x"87";
when x"18" => temp := x"34";
when x"19" => temp := x"8e";
when x"1a" => temp := x"43";
when x"1b" => temp := x"44";
when x"1c" => temp := x"c4";
when x"1d" => temp := x"de";
when x"1e" => temp := x"e9";
when x"1f" => temp := x"cb"; 66
Appendix D (continued)
when x"20" => temp := x"54";
when x"21" => temp := x"7b";
when x"22" => temp := x"94";
when x"23" => temp := x"32";
when x"24" => temp := x"a6";
when x"25" => temp := x"c2";
when x"26" => temp := x"23";
when x"27" => temp := x"3d";
when x"28" => temp := x"ee";
when x"29" => temp := x"4c";
when x"2a" => temp := x"95";
when x"2b" => temp := x"0b";
when x"2c" => temp := x"42";
when x"2d" => temp := x"fa";
when x"2e" => temp := x"c3";
when x"2f" => temp := x"49";
when x"30" => temp := x"08";
when x"31" => temp := x"2e";
when x"32" => temp := x"a1";
when x"33" => temp := x"66";
when x"34" => temp := x"28";
when x"35" => temp := x"d9";
when x"36" => temp := x"24";
when x"37" => temp := x"b2";
when x"38" => temp := x"76";
when x"39" => temp := x"5b";
when x"3a" => temp := x"a2";
when x"3b" => temp := x"49";
when x"3c" => temp := x"6d";
when x"3d" => temp := x"8b";
when x"3e" => temp := x"d1"; 67
Appendix D (continued)
when x"40" => temp := x"72";
when x"41" => temp := x"f8";
when x"42" => temp := x"f6";
when x"43" => temp := x"64";
when x"44" => temp := x"86";
when x"45" => temp := x"68";
when x"46" => temp := x"98";
when x"47" => temp := x"16";
when x"48" => temp := x"d4";
when x"49" => temp := x"a4";
when x"4a" => temp := x"5c";
when x"4b" => temp := x"cc";
when x"4c" => temp := x"5d";
when x"4d" => temp := x"65";
when x"4e" => temp := x"b6";
when x"4f" => temp := x"92";
when x"50" => temp := x"6c";
when x"51" => temp := x"70";
when x"52" => temp := x"48";
when x"53" => temp := x"50";
when x"54" => temp := x"fd";
when x"55" => temp := x"ed";
when x"56" => temp := x"b9";
when x"57" => temp := x"da";
when x"58" => temp := x"5e";
when x"59" => temp := x"15";
when x"5a" => temp := x"46";
when x"5b" => temp := x"57";
when x"5c" => temp := x"a7";
when x"5d" => temp := x"8d";
when x"5e" => temp := x"9d";
when x"5f" => temp := x"84"; 68
Appendix D (continued)
when x"60" => temp := x"90";
when x"61" => temp := x"d8";
when x"62" => temp := x"ab";
when x"63" => temp := x"00";
when x"64" => temp := x"8c";
when x"65" => temp := x"bc";
when x"66" => temp := x"d3";
when x"67" => temp := x"0a";
when x"68" => temp := x"f7";
when x"69" => temp := x"e4";
when x"6a" => temp := x"58";
when x"6b" => temp := x"05";
when x"6c" => temp := x"b8";
when x"6d" => temp := x"b3";
when x"6e" => temp := x"45";
when x"6f" => temp := x"06";
when x"70" => temp := x"d0";
when x"71" => temp := x"2c";
when x"72" => temp := x"1e";
when x"73" => temp := x"8f";
when x"74" => temp := x"ca";
when x"75" => temp := x"3f";
when x"76" => temp := x"0f";
when x"77" => temp := x"02";
when x"78" => temp := x"c1";
when x"79" => temp := x"af";
when x"7a" => temp := x"bd";
when x"7b" => temp := x"03";
when x"7c" => temp := x"01";
when x"7d" => temp := x"13";
when x"7e" => temp := x"8a";
when x"7f" => temp := x"6b"; 69
Appendix D (continued)
when x"80" => temp := x"3a";
when x"81" => temp := x"91";
when x"82" => temp := x"11";
when x"83" => temp := x"41";
when x"84" => temp := x"4f";
when x"85" => temp := x"67";
when x"86" => temp := x"dc";
when x"87" => temp := x"ea";
when x"88" => temp := x"97";
when x"89" => temp := x"f2";
when x"8a" => temp := x"cf";
when x"8b" => temp := x"ce";
when x"8c" => temp := x"f0";
when x"8d" => temp := x"b4";
when x"8e" => temp := x"e6";
when x"8f" => temp := x"73";
when x"90" => temp := x"96";
when x"91" => temp := x"ac";
when x"92" => temp := x"74";
when x"93" => temp := x"22";
when x"94" => temp := x"e7";
when x"95" => temp := x"ad";
when x"96" => temp := x"35";
when x"97" => temp := x"85";
when x"98" => temp := x"e2";
when x"99" => temp := x"f9";
when x"9a" => temp := x"37";
when x"9b" => temp := x"e8";
when x"9c" => temp := x"1c";
when x"9d" => temp := x"75";
when x"9e" => temp := x"df";
when x"9f" => temp := x"6e"; 70
Appendix D (continued)
when x"a0" => temp := x"47";
when x"a1" => temp := x"f1";
when x"a2" => temp := x"1a";
when x"a3" => temp := x"71";
when x"a4" => temp := x"1d";
when x"a5" => temp := x"29";
when x"a6" => temp := x"c5";
when x"a7" => temp := x"89";
when x"a8" => temp := x"6f";
when x"a9" => temp := x"b7";
when x"aa" => temp := x"62";
when x"ab" => temp := x"0e";
when x"ac" => temp := x"aa";
when x"ad" => temp := x"18";
when x"ae" => temp := x"be";
when x"af" => temp := x"1b";
when x"b0" => temp := x"fc";
when x"b1" => temp := x"56";
when x"b2" => temp := x"3e";
when x"b3" => temp := x"4b";
when x"b4" => temp := x"c6";
when x"b5" => temp := x"d2";
when x"b6" => temp := x"79";
when x"b7" => temp := x"20";
when x"b8" => temp := x"9a";
when x"b9" => temp := x"db";
when x"ba" => temp := x"c0";
when x"bb" => temp := x"fe";
when x"bc" => temp := x"78";
when x"bd" => temp := x"cd";
when x"be" => temp := x"5a";
when x"bf" => temp := x"f4"; 71
Appendix D (continued)
when x"c0" => temp := x"1f";
when x"c1" => temp := x"dd";
when x"c2" => temp := x"a8";
when x"c3" => temp := x"33";
when x"c4" => temp := x"88";
when x"c5" => temp := x"07";
when x"c6" => temp := x"c7";
when x"c7" => temp := x"31";
when x"c8" => temp := x"b1";
when x"c9" => temp := x"12";
when x"ca" => temp := x"10";
when x"cb" => temp := x"59";
when x"cc" => temp := x"27";
when x"cd" => temp := x"80";
when x"ce" => temp := x"ec";
when x"cf" => temp := x"5f";
when x"d0" => temp := x"60";
when x"d1" => temp := x"51";
when x"d2" => temp := x"7f";
when x"d3" => temp := x"a9";
when x"d4" => temp := x"19";
when x"d5" => temp := x"b5";
when x"d6" => temp := x"4a";
when x"d7" => temp := x"0d";
when x"d8" => temp := x"2d";
when x"d9" => temp := x"e5";
when x"da" => temp := x"7a";
when x"db" => temp := x"9f";
when x"dc" => temp := x"93";
when x"dd" => temp := x"c9";
when x"de" => temp := x"9c";
when x"df" => temp := x"ef"; 72
Appendix D (continued)
when x"e0" => temp := x"a0";
when x"e1" => temp := x"e0";
when x"e2" => temp := x"3b";
when x"e3" => temp := x"4d";
when x"e4" => temp := x"ae";
when x"e5" => temp := x"2a";
when x"e6" => temp := x"f5";
when x"e7" => temp := x"b0";
when x"e8" => temp := x"c8";
when x"e9" => temp := x"eb";
when x"ea" => temp := x"bb";
when x"eb" => temp := x"3c";
when x"ec" => temp := x"83";
when x"ed" => temp := x"53";
when x"ee" => temp := x"99";
when x"ef" => temp := x"61";
when x"f0" => temp := x"17";
when x"f1" => temp := x"2b";
when x"f2" => temp := x"04";
when x"f3" => temp := x"7e";
when x"f4" => temp := x"ba";
when x"f5" => temp := x"77";
when x"f6" => temp := x"d6";
when x"f7" => temp := x"26";
when x"f8" => temp := x"e1";
when x"f9" => temp := x"69";
when x"fa" => temp := x"14";
when x"fb" => temp := x"63";
when x"fc" => temp := x"55";
when x"fd" => temp := x"21";
when x"fe" => temp := x"0c";
when x"ff" => temp := x"7d";
when others => null;
end case;
return temp;
end function INV_SBOX_LOOKUP; 73
Appendix D (continued)
function BYTE_SUB_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return STATE_TYPE is
variable b: STATE_TYPE;
variable temp: STATE_TYPE;
b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(127 downto 120));
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(119 downto 112));
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(111 downto 104));
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(103 downto 96));
b(95 downto 88) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(95 downto 88));
b(87 downto 80) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(87 downto 80));
b(79 downto 72) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(79 downto 72));
b(71 downto 64) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(71 downto 64));
b(63 downto 56) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(63 downto 56));
b(55 downto 48) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(55 downto 48));
b(47 downto 40) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(47 downto 40));
b(39 downto 32) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(39 downto 32));
b(31 downto 24) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(31 downto 24));
b(23 downto 16) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(23 downto 16));
b(15 downto 8) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(15 downto 8));
b(7 downto 0) := SBOX_LOOKUP(state(7 downto 0));
return temp;
end function BYTE_SUB_FUNCT; 74
Appendix D (continued)
function INV_BYTE_SUB_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
variable b: STATE_TYPE;
variable temp: STATE_TYPE;
b(127 downto 120) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(127 downto 120));
b(119 downto 112) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(119 downto 112));
b(111 downto 104) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(111 downto 104));
b(103 downto 96) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(103 downto 96));
b(95 downto 88) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(95 downto 88));
b(87 downto 80) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(87 downto 80));
b(79 downto 72) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP state(79 downto 72));
b(71 downto 64) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(71 downto 64));
b(63 downto 56) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(63 downto 56));
b(55 downto 48) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(55 downto 48));
b(47 downto 40) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP( state(47 downto 40));
b(39 downto 32) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(39 downto 32));
b(31 downto 24) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(31 downto 24));
b(23 downto 16) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(23 downto 16));
b(15 downto 8) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(15 downto 8));
b(7 downto 0) := INV_SBOX_LOOKUP(state(7 downto 0));
return temp;
end function INV_BYTE_SUB_FUNCT; 75
Appendix D (continued)
function SHIFT_ROW_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return STATE_TYPE is
variable a: STATE_TYPE;
variable temp: STATE_TYPE;
temp(127 downto 120) := state(127 downto 120); --t0
temp(119 downto 112) := state(87 downto 80); --t1
temp(111 downto 104) := state(47 downto 40); --t2
temp(103 downto 96) := state(7 downto 0); --t3
temp(95 downto 88) := state(95 downto 88); --t4
temp(87 downto 80) := state(55 downto 48); --t5
temp(79 downto 72) := state(15 downto 8); --t6
temp(71 downto 64) := state(103 downto 96); --t7
temp(63 downto 56) := state(63 downto 56); --t8
temp(55 downto 48) := state(23 downto 16); --t9
temp(47 downto 40) := state(111 downto 104); --t10
temp(39 downto 32) := state(71 downto 64); --t11
temp(31 downto 24) := state(31 downto 24); --t12
temp(23 downto 16) := state(119 downto 112); --t13
temp(15 downto 8) := state(79 downto 72); --t14
temp(7 downto 0) := state(39 downto 32); --t15
return a;
end function SHIFT_ROW_FUNCT; 76
Appendix D (continued)
function INV_SHIFT_ROW_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
variable a: STATE_TYPE;
variable temp: STATE_TYPE;
temp(127 downto 120) := state(127 downto 120); --t0
temp(119 downto 112) := state(23 downto 16); --t1
temp(111 downto 104) := state(47 downto 40); --t2
temp(103 downto 96) := state(71 downto 64); --t3
temp(95 downto 88) := state(95 downto 88); --t4
temp(87 downto 80) := state(119 downto 112); --t5
temp(79 downto 72) := state(15 downto 8); --t6
temp(71 downto 64) := state(39 downto 32); --t7
temp(63 downto 56) := state(63 downto 56); --t8
temp(55 downto 48) := state(87 downto 80); --t9
temp(47 downto 40) := state(111 downto 104); --t10
temp(39 downto 32) := state(7 downto 0); --t11
temp(31 downto 24) := state(31 downto 24); --t12
temp(23 downto 16) := state(55 downto 48); --t13
temp(15 downto 8) := state(79 downto 72); --t14
temp(7 downto 0) := state(103 downto 96); --t15
a := temp;
return a;
end function INV_SHIFT_ROW_FUNCT; 77
Appendix D (continued)
function MIX_COLUMN_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
variable t0: SLV_8;
variable t1: SLV_8;
variable t2: SLV_8;
variable t3: SLV_8;
variable t4: SLV_8;
variable t5: SLV_8;
variable t6: SLV_8;
variable t7: SLV_8;
variable t8: SLV_8;
variable t9: SLV_8;
variable t10: SLV_8;
variable t11: SLV_8;
variable t12: SLV_8;
variable t13: SLV_8;
variable t14: SLV_8;
variable t15: SLV_8;
variable DATAOUT: SLV_128;
variable temp: SLV_128;
t0 := state(127 downto 120);
t1 := state(119 downto 112);
t2 := state(111 downto 104);
t3 := state(103 downto 96);
t4 := state(95 downto 88);
t5 := state(87 downto 80);
t6 := state(79 downto 72);
t7:= state(71 downto 64);
t8 := state(63 downto 56);
t9 := state(55 downto 48);
t10 := state(47 downto 40);
t11 := state(39 downto 32);
t12 := state(31 downto 24);
t13 := state(23 downto 16);
t14 := state(15 downto 8);
t15 := state(7 downto 0); 78
Appendix D (continued)
DATAOUT(127 downto 120) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t0) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t1) xor
t2 xor t3;
DATAOUT(119 downto 112) := t0 xor POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t1)
xor POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t2)
xor t3;
DATAOUT(111 downto 104) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010" , t2) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t3) xor
t0 xor t1;
DATAOUT(103 downto 96) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011" , t0) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t3) xor
t1 xor t2;
DATAOUT(95 downto 88) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010" , t4) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t5) xor
t6 xor t7;
DATAOUT(87 downto 80) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010" , t5) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011" , t6) xor
t4 xor t7;
DATAOUT(79 downto 72) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010" , t6) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t7) xor
t4 xor t5;
DATAOUT(71 downto 64) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011" , t4) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t7) xor
t5 xor t6;
DATAOUT(63 downto 56) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t8) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t9) xor
t10 xor t11;
DATAOUT(55 downto 48) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t9) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t10) xor
t8 xor t11; 79
Appendix D (continued)
DATAOUT(47 downto 40) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t10) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t11) xor
t8 xor t9;
DATAOUT(39 downto 32) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t8) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t11) xor
t9 xor t10;
DATAOUT(31 downto 24) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t12) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t13) xor
t14 xor t15;
DATAOUT(23 downto 16) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010",t13) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011",t14) xor
t12 xor t15;
DATAOUT(15 downto 8) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t14) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t15) xor
t12 xor t13;
DATAOUT(7 downto 0) := POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000011", t12) xor
POLY_MULTE_FUNCT("00000010", t15) xor
t13 xor t14;
return temp;
end function MIX_COLUMN_FUNCT; 80
Appendix D (continued)
function INV_MIX_COLUMN_FUNCT (state: STATE_TYPE) return
variable t0: SLV_8;
variable t1: SLV_8;
variable t2: SLV_8;
variable t3: SLV_8;
variable t4: SLV_8;
variable t5: SLV_8;
variable t6: SLV_8;
variable t7: SLV_8;
variable t8: SLV_8;
variable t9: SLV_8;
variable t10: SLV_8;
variable t11: SLV_8;
variable t12: SLV_8;
variable t13: SLV_8;
variable t14: SLV_8;
variable t15: SLV_8;
variable b: STATE_TYPE;
variable temp: STATE_TYPE;
t0 := state(127 downto 120);
t1 := state(119 downto 112);
t2 := state(111 downto 104);
t3 := state(103 downto 96);
t4 := state(95 downto 88);
t5 := state(87 downto 80);
t6 := state(79 downto 72);
t7 := state(71 downto 64);
t8 := state(63 downto 56);
t9 := state(55 downto 48);
t10 := state(47 downto 40);
t11 := state(39 downto 32);
t12 := state(31 downto 24);
t13 := state(23 downto 16);
t14 := state(15 downto 8);
t15 := state(7 downto 0); 81
Appendix D (continued)
b(127 downto 120) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t0) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t1) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t2) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t3);
b(119 downto 112) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t0) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t1) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t2) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t3);
b(111 downto 104) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t0) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t1) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t2) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t3);
b(103 downto 96) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t0) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t1) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t2) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t3);
b(95 downto 88) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t4) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t5) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t6) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t7) ;
b(87 downto 80) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t4) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t5) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t6) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t7);
b(79 downto 72) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t4) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t5) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t6) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t7);
b(71 downto 64) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t4) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t5) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t6) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t7); 82
Appendix D (continued)
b(63 downto 56) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t8) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t9) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t10) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t11) ;
b(55 downto 48) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t8) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t9) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t10) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t11);
b(47 downto 40) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t8) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t9) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t10) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t11);
b(39 downto 32) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t8) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t9) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t10) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t11);
b(31 downto 24) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t12) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t13) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t14) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t15);
b(23 downto 16) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t12) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t13) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t14) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t15);
b(15 downto 8) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t12) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t13) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t14) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t15);
b(7 downto 0) := POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001011", t12) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001101", t13) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001001", t14) xor
POLY_MULTD_FUNCT("00001110", t15);
return temp;
end function INV_MIX_COLUMN_FUNCT; 83
Appendix D (continued)
function POLY_MULTE_FUNCT (a: SLV_8; b : SLV_8 ) return SLV_8 is
variable temp : SLV_8;
variable temp1 : SLV_8;
variable temp2 : SLV_8;
variable temp3 : SLV_8;
variable and_mask : SLV_8;
and_mask := b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7);
case a(3 downto 0) is
when "0001" => temp := b;
when "0010" =>temp := b(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011")
and and_mask);
when "0011"=> temp := b(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011")
and and_mask) xor b;
when others => temp := (others => '0');
end case;
return temp;
end function POLY_MULTE_FUNCT; 84
Appendix D (continued)
function POLY_MULTD_FUNCT (a: SLV_8; b: SLV_8) return SLV_8 is
variable temp: SLV_8;
variable temp1: SLV_8;
variable temp2: SLV_8;
variable temp3: SLV_8;
variable and_mask: SLV_8;
and_mask := b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7) & b(7);
case a(3 downto 0) is
when "1001"=> temp1 := b(6 downto 0) & '0) xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) &
temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7);
temp2 := temp1(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) &
temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7);
temp3 := temp2(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
temp := temp3 xor b;
when "1011"=> temp1 := b(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) &
temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7);
temp2 := temp1(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) &
temp2(7) &emp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) &
temp3 := temp2(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011")
and and_mask);
temp := temp1 xor temp3 xor b; 85
Appendix D (continued)
when "1101" => temp1 := b(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) &
temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7);
temp2 := temp1(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) &
temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7);
temp3 := temp2(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
temp := temp2 xor temp3 xor b;
when "1110"=> temp1 := b(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) &
temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7) & temp1(7);
temp2 := temp1(6 downto 0 & '0' xor (("00011011") and
and_mask := temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) &
temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7) & temp2(7);
temp3 := temp2(6 downto 0) & '0' xor (("00011011") and
temp := temp1 xor temp2 xor temp3;
when others => temp := (others => '0');
end case;
return temp;
end function POLY_MULTD_FUNCT; 86
Appendix D (continued)
function ADD_ROUNDKEY_FUNCT (roundkey: STATE_TYPE;
state: STATE_TYPE) return STATE_TYPE is
variable b: STATE_TYPE;
b := state xor roundkey;
return b;
end function ADD_ROUNDKEY_FUNCT;
function ROUNDKEY_GEN (roundkey: STATE_TYPE; round: round_type) return
variable b: STATE_TYPE;
variable b0:SLV_8;
variable b1:SLV_8;
variable b2:SLV_8;
variable b3:SLV_8;
b0 := roundkey(31 downto 24);
b1 := roundkey(23 downto 16);
b2 := roundkey(15 downto 8);
b3 := roundkey(7 downto 0);
case round is
when 1 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00000001" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b2)xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0); 87
Appendix D (continued)
when 2 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00000010" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112):= SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3)
xor roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0);
when 3 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00000100" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112):= SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0);
when 4 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00001000" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0); 88
Appendix D (continued)
when 5 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00010000" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0);
when 6 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00100000" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0);
when 7 =>b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "01000000" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120) ;
b(119 downto 112):= SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0); 89
Appendix D (continued)
when 8 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "10000000" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120) ;
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0)
xor roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0);
when 9 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00011011" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112):= SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor
roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor roundkey(31 downto 0);
when 10 => b(127 downto 120) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b1) xor "00110110" xor
roundkey(127 downto 120);
b(119 downto 112) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b2) xor
roundkey(119 downto 112);
b(111 downto 104) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b3) xor
roundkey(111 downto 104);
b(103 downto 96) := SBOX_LOOKUP(b0) xor
roundkey(103 downto 96);
b(95 downto 64) := b(127 downto 96) xor
roundkey(95 downto 64);
b(63 downto 32) := b(95 downto 64) xor
roundkey(63 downto 32);
b(31 downto 0) := b(63 downto 32) xor
roundkey(31 downto 0); 90
Appendix D (continued)
when others => null;
end case;
return b
end function ROUNDKEY_GEN;
end package body rijndael_package; 91
Appendix D (continued)
S-Box Transformation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity byte_sub is
port (state: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic;
b: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0));
end entity byte_sub;
architecture top_aes_RTL of byte_sub is
process (clk) is
if rst = '1' then
b <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then
b <= SBOX_LOOKUP( state);
end if;
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL; 92
Appendix D (continued)
Shift Row Transformation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity shift_row is
port (state: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic;
DATAOUT: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0));
end entity shift_row;
architecture top_aes_RTL of shift_row is
process (clk) is
if rst = '1' then
DATAOUT <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then
end if;
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL; 93
Appendix D (continued)
Mix Column Transformation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity mix_column is
port (state: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic;
DATAOUT: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0));
end entity mix_column;
architecture top_aes_RTL of mix_column is
process (clk) is
if rst = '1' then
DATAOUT <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then
end if;
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL; 94
Appendix D (continued)
Key Generation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity key_gen is
port (roundkey: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
round: in round_type;
DATAOUT: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0));
end entity key_gen;
architecture top_aes_RTL of key_gen is
process (roundkey, round) is
DATAOUT <= ROUNDKEY_GEN(roundkey, round);
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL; 95
Appendix D (continued)
Inverse S-BOX
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity inv_byte_sub is
port (state: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic;
b: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0));
end entity inv_byte_sub;
architecture top_aes_RTL of inv_byte_sub is
process (clk) is
if rst = '1' then
b <= ( others => '0' );
elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then
b <= INV_SBOX_LOOKUP( state);
end if;
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL; 96
Appendix D (continued)
Inverse Shift Row Transformation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity inv_shift_row is
port (state: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic;
DATAOUT: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0));
end entity inv_shift_row;
architecture top_aes_RTL of inv_shift_row is
process (clk) is
if rst = '1' then
DATAOUT <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then
end if;
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL; 97
Appendix D (continued)
Inverse Mix Column Transformation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.rijndael_package.all;
entity inv_mix_column is
port (state: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0);
clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic;
DATAOUT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(127 downto 0));
end entity inv_mix_column;
architecture top_aes_RTL of inv_mix_column is
process (clk) is
if rst = '1' then
DATAOUT <= ( others => '0' );
elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then
end if;
end process;
end architecture top_aes_RTL;
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03.06.2013, 14:17
Ответы с готовыми решениями:

USB - ключ (токен) AES на VHDL
Здравствуйте. Делаю программно - аппаратную реализацию токена на VHDL задействую криптоалгоритм...

Алгоритм Rijndael (AES)
Всем привет) Не подскажете, как зашифровать двоичную последовательность (например 00100000, ключ:...

Алгоритм шифрования AES
Всем доброго времени суток! Господа, прошу помочь определиться с тем как более правильно...

Алгоритм шифрования AES-128
Здравствуйте программисты!!! :) Подскажите пожалуйста, или покажите какой-то пример реализации...

03.06.2013, 14:17
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03.06.2013, 14:17
Помогаю со студенческими работами здесь

Нужно написать алгоритм в СИ шефрования и дешифрования AES 128
Нужно написать алгоритм в СИ шефрования и дешифрования AES 128 Или где можно скачать, нашел...

Как проверить правильность ключа при расшифровке (алгоритм AES)?
Hi! Есть реализация шифровки и расшифровки файлов. Когда значение ключа при расшифровки файла не...

Исходный код программы, шифрующей алгоритмом AES
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AES 192 и AES 256
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Разработайте алгоритм и программу, реализующую этот алгоритм. Исходные данные вводите из текстового файла. Результаты работы программы также помести
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